Illustrative View
Image of previous Taylor Wimpey development with attenuation basin

Welcome to the community engagement website for Money Hill – Phase 2, Ashby-de-la-Zouch. Bloor Homes Midlands and Taylor Wimpey are in an early stage of developing masterplan proposals for Money Hill – Phase 2 and are keen to involve the local community.

Our vision is to create a vibrant and welcoming community, which has placemaking and sustainability at its heart. Our aim is to provide:

  • Up to 1,200 new homes, including affordable homes
  • New employment space
  • Green public open space and landscaping
  • Connectivity to existing bus routes, active travel routes and improvements to the existing Public Rights of Way.

We presented our emerging ideas, principles and masterplan at an in-person Public Exhibition on Thursday 18 July 2024 and at an Online Public Webinar on Wednesday 24 July 2024. Copies of the consultation materials, including a recording of the Online Public Webinar, can be found in our Library section.

This website provides an overview of the Money Hill – Phase 2 Site, an introduction to the Project Team, a Timeline with key project milestones, our Library, answers to common questions we received, and our Contact details.

Please visit the Community Engagement section to learn more about our emerging ideas, principles, masterplan, and for an overview of our consultation activities and what we’ve heard so far.

If you would like to be added to our mailing list to keep up to date with this project, please click the ‘Register’ button below.


Background and Site Location

Money Hill – Phase 2 is located to the northeast of Ashby-de-la-Zouch’s town centre.

The Site comprises around 77 hectares of undeveloped agricultural land. The northern and eastern boundaries of the Site are bounded by the A511. To the south of the Site is the Money Hill - Phase 1 development, which received Reserved Matters consent in August 2022 for 605 dwellings. To the west of the Site is an existing residential development.

Site location plan (click to enlarge)

North West Leicestershire Local Plan (2021)

The North West Leicestershire Local Plan (adopted in 2021) allocated the Money Hill Site for approximately 2,050 dwellings under Policy H3a and up to 16 hectares of new employment sites under Policy Ec2.

North West Leicestershire District Council commenced a review of the North West Leicestershire Local Plan in early 2024. The draft Ashby-de-la-Zouch Policies Map allocates the Money Hill Site for approximately 1,200 dwellings, including the provision of affordable housing, self-build/custom housebuilding, a primary school, around 16 hectares of employment land, areas of open space, and surface water drainage provision.

Ashby-de-la-Zouch Neighbourhood Plan (2018)

The Ashby-de-la-Zouch Neighbourhood Plan (made in 2018) allocated the Site for sustainable growth housing under Policy H1. The Site is allocated for the development of 2,050 dwellings.

Community Engagement

Stantec is working with Bloor Homes Midlands and Taylor Wimpey on the engagement for Money Hill – Phase 2. Many thanks to everyone who has come along to an event and shared their feedback so far.

In July-August 2024, we held our public consultation for the emerging masterplan proposals for Money Hill – Phase 2. Our consultation took place in an early stage of the design development process to gather local comments and suggestions for consideration as the proposals progressed through technical work.

Our consultation activities included:

  • 6,100+ flyers delivered to the local area inviting the community to take part in the public consultation
  • Launch of this project website, with approximately 713 visitors to date
  • A Public Exhibition (Thursday 18 July 2024) attended by 125 members of the local community and stakeholders
  • An Online Public Webinar (Wednesday 24 July 2024) attended by members of the local community and stakeholders.

If you were unable to join our events, copies of the consultation banners are available below and further materials are available in the Library section, including a recording of the Online Public Webinar.

Your Comments and Suggestions

As well as verbal feedback received at our Public Exhibition, we received 33 feedback forms and 12 emails and phone calls with comments, suggestions, ideas and questions on the emerging masterplan.

There were a mix of views received throughout the consultation period, including positive comments as well as reservations, questions, and suggestions.

  • The majority of respondents (56%) agreed that the proposals are important to meet housing needs in the local area
  • Respondents made suggestions for the employment space to include smaller units for local/small businesses, new food/beverage locations, light industrial units, and community facilities (community centre/GP surgery).

Your comments, suggestions, ideas and reservations have been shared with the project team to consider as we further develop the masterplan ahead of our target planning application submission date. A high-level overview of the key feedback findings are outlined below.

Respondents were most supportive of:

  • The provision of green open space
  • The retention of trees/hedgerows, wherever possible, landscape/planting enhancements and the inclusion of play areas in the landscape strategy
  • The provision of new active travel links
  • 30% affordable housing provision
  • Environmental sustainability features such as the potential for solar panels and air source heat pumps.

The table below summarises the most frequent reservations about the proposals that we heard from the local community, and the project team’s response.

Respondents had reservations about: Project team response:
The proposed use of the parcels north of the A511 and concern that these could be developed. The two parcels of land north of the A511 (near the spine road and at the Smisby Road roundabout) could be used for ecological and biodiversity enhancements should that be required. There will be no homes developed on these parcels.
The absence of a comprehensive masterplan that was well integrated with the Money Hill parcels coming forward by other parties. The emerging masterplan has considered how potential development could come forward on the Miller Homes site and has taken into consideration the development on the Arla Dairy/Crest Nicholson site. As these parcels are not within Bloor Homes Midlands and Taylor Wimpey's ownership, they cannot be included within the forthcoming Outline Planning Application.
Lack of community facilities in the masterplan and requests that sufficient contributions are made to community services/infrastructure in the local area. The draft Local Plan allocation does not require a community facility to be provided on the Money Hill Phase 2 site. Financial contributions to existing community services, facilities, amenities and infrastructure will be considered through the Section 106 process should the necessary requests be made.
Potential for vehicular access through the former Arla Dairy/Crest Nicholson site. The planning application will not include a vehicular connection through the Crest Nicholson/Arla Dairy site into the Development. Active travel connections for walking and cycling are however proposed to existing PROWs to link through to Smisby Road.
The potential increase in traffic in the local area and associated safety concerns, with requests that thorough traffic modelling is undertaken, and the results made public.

We have conducted surveys of vehicle movements from local housing sites to understand the number of vehicle movements that are generated by a typical home in the area. The sites surveyed contain a range of housing and this approach has been agreed with Leicestershire County Council (LCC). This number of vehicle movements generated by a typical home is then to be applied to the proposed housing numbers for Money Hill – Phase 2.

LCC has a strategic traffic model, which we will be using to conduct an assessment of the proposals on the surrounding highway network. This will also help to identify where more detailed modelling will be needed and where the impacts are expected to be more concentrated. This will be undertaken in close discussion with LCC.

The results of the modelling will be presented fully within the Transport Assessment as part of the forthcoming Outline Planning Application, and it will be publicly available through the Local Planning Authority’s planning portal.

As with any potential new development, there are always lots of questions. While we undertake ongoing technical work, many aspects of the proposal will continue to evolve. We’ve created a new Q&A section of this website to answer the most common questions we received during the consultation process so far.

To keep up to date with next steps, please view the Timeline section or register for email updates.

Meet the Team

Bloor Homes Midlands and Taylor Wimpey have a longstanding relationship at Money Hill and a proven track record of delivering high-quality development in the area, in consultation with the local community.

Bloor Homes Midlands has been building quality homes for 50 years and is now the largest privately-owned housebuilder in the UK. We have a proven track record in delivering successful new communities. We take great pride in delivering high-quality and energy efficient homes and our designs have evolved over years of customer feedback.

You can find out more about Bloor Homes Midlands here.

Taylor Wimpey is a national housebuilder delivering high-quality homes across the UK. Founded in 2007 after the merger of rivals Taylor Woodrow and George Wimpey, Taylor Wimpey has a clear purpose: to deliver great homes within sustainable and thriving communities that our customers are proud to live in.

Taylor Wimpey prides itself in creating thriving sustainable communities through high-quality developments that are valued by its tenants, partners, and neighbours.

You can find out more about Taylor Wimpey here.

  • CGI House image
    Images showing previous Taylor Wimpey and Bloor Homes developments
  • Images showing previous Taylor Wimpey and Bloor Homes
    Images showing previous Taylor Wimpey and Bloor Homes developments
  • Holly Croft Grange
    Images showing previous Taylor Wimpey and Bloor Homes developments
  • Images showing previous Taylor Wimpey and Bloor Homes
    Images showing previous Taylor Wimpey and Bloor Homes developments

Bloor Homes Midlands and Taylor Wimpey have appointed Stantec and Phil Jones Associates (PJA) to work with them on the emerging masterplan for the Site and to prepare an Outline Planning Application.

More information about Stantec and PJA can be found on their websites linked below:

Stantec Logo PJA Logo


The timings set out below are target dates and subject to change as we progress through the design and planning process.

  • Thursday 18 July 2024Public exhibition and launch of consultation
  • Wednesday 24 July 2024Online Public Webinar
  • Friday 16 August 2024Consultation period closes at 5pm (deadline extended from Friday 9 August 2024)
  • August – September 2024 Review of feedback received and further development of the masterplan
  • Autumn 2024Submission of an Outline Planning Application to North West Leicestershire District Council
  • 2025Determination expected by North West Leicestershire District Council on the Outline Planning Application

The Planning Process

Our aim is to submit an Outline Planning Application for Money Hill – Phase 2 later this year, which will include a comprehensive masterplan for the Site.

An Outline Planning Application seeks to establish whether the principles and nature of a proposed development would be acceptable to the Local Planning Authority (LPA) before a fully detailed proposal is put forward.

Subject to the Outline Planning Application being approved, applications will be made for ‘Reserved Matters’ where further detail is submitted to the LPA for approval.

This website will be updated throughout the consultation, the planning process and beyond.

Images showing previous Taylor Wimpey and Bloor Homes


As with any potential new development, there are always lots of questions. While we undertake ongoing technical work, many aspects of the proposal will continue to evolve. We’ve created a new Q&A section to answer the most common questions we received during the consultation process.


The two parcels of land north of the A511 (near the spine road and at the Smisby Road roundabout) could be used for ecological and biodiversity enhancements, if required. There will be no homes developed on these parcels.

The exact employment spaces to be provided as part of Money Hill – Phase 2 have not yet been determined. This will form part of a separate Reserved Matters Application in the future.

We are looking to submit an Outline Planning Application, which will show the development parameters and the general locations of where housing and employment land could be provided. The detail on affordable housing provision, including location, and the size of new homes (number of bedrooms) will come forward in future applications.

Landscape and Ecology

BNG will be calculated using the Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs’ Statutory Biodiversity Metric.

A 10% BNG will be delivered as part of the landscape vision throughout the site, with areas of grassland, scrub and woodland created in areas that are currently agricultural land. Existing habitats on the site, including areas of woodland within the disused rail line and ponds would be retained and enhanced to improve biodiversity.

The landscaping and new planting will be managed sustainably by a Management Company to ensure that it can be enjoyed for current and future residents alike.

Transport and Access

We have conducted surveys of vehicle movements from local housing sites to understand the number of vehicle movements that are generated by a typical home in the area. The sites surveyed contain a range of housing and this approach has been agreed with Leicestershire County Council (LCC). This number of vehicle movements generated by a typical home is then to be applied to the proposed housing numbers for Money Hill – Phase 2.

LCC has a strategic traffic model, which we will be using to conduct an assessment of the proposals on the surrounding highway network. This will also help to identify where more detailed modelling will be needed and where the impacts are expected to be more concentrated. This will be undertaken in close discussion with LCC.

The results of the modelling will be presented fully within the Transport Assessment as part of the forthcoming Outline Planning Application, and it will be publicly available through the Local Planning Authority’s planning portal.

Yes, all residential traffic from Phase 2 will leave via the A511. A modal filter is already being provided along the spine road to prevent the majority of general vehicular traffic from leaving via Wood Street/Nottingham Road as part of the Money Hill – Phase 1 development. This will continue to be in place and prevent Phase 2 traffic from utilising this route. It should be noted that buses serving the Phase 2 development would be able to use this route as would emergency service vehicles.

Yes, the Public Rights of Way will be retained and enhanced through either direct improvement where they sit within the site boundary, which could include surface and lighting improvements or through a proportionate contribution towards the enhancements where they sit outside the site boundary.

The Outline Planning Application will not include a vehicular connection through the Crest Nicholson/Arla Dairy site into Money Hill – Phase 2. However, active travel connections for walking and cycling are proposed to link existing Public Rights of Way to Smisby Road.

Drainage and Flood Alleviation

Surface water runoff will be collected by Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS). These would include ponds and basins that would be located around the site and integrated into the landscape design. This system would aim to collect and retain as much water on the site as possible.

The drainage strategy will reduce the surface water flooding in this area by capturing and retaining as much water run-off as possible within the site as part of the Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS), improving the Brook’s capacity and reducing flooding.

Services and Infrastructure

A one-form entry primary school is being provided as part of Money Hill – Phase 1. The provision of a primary school is also included in the Local Plan’s site allocation for Money Hill – Phase 2. However, LCC’s Education Team have advised that they would rather see the primary school provided as part of Money Hill – Phase 1 expanded to a two-form entry rather than provide two smaller primary schools so close to one another. The site allocation did not include a secondary school, and LCC has not requested one be provided as part of Money Hill – Phase 2. Financial contributions to existing secondary schools through the Section 106 agreement could be included, if requested.

The draft Local Plan allocation does not require a community facility to be provided on the Money Hill – Phase 2 site. Contributions towards community facilities through the Section 106 agreement could be included, if requested.


There are a variety of factors that could influence the timeline for construction and occupation. If Outline Planning Permission is granted in 2025, it is envisaged that homes could begin to be completed and sold around 2028-2029. These dates are an estimate and are subject to change.


Contact Us

Thank you for taking the time to visit our website today. If you need any of the information from this website in an alternative format or a hard copy, or have any questions please get in touch with us by using the details below.

  • Phone 020 7446 6869 (from 9.30am to 5.00pm, Monday-Friday)
  • PostMoney Hill – Phase 2 Community Engagement Team
    c/o Stantec
    7 Soho Square
    W1D 3QB